

Company Remal sp. z o.o. has been operating on the market since 1995 and since the beginning it has focused on services of broadly understood maintenance of industrial installations. Over time, he gained new qualifications, expanded the scope of services, came out with selling abroad.

The current company continues to develop, specializing in repairs and upgrades of industrial equipment, mechanical machining of metals, the execution of steel and aluminum constructions. A special and unique skill is the perfect welding of aluminum, especially large and very large sections. In addition, thanks to its own design office and the staff of experienced engineers can provide a comprehensive service of new production equipment, from its design to manufacture and installation. The specialists of the company are prepared to solve technical problems and restore the efficiency of abnormal machinery and equipment, often due to lack of access to spare parts.

The overarching message in the company’s activities is the fulfilment of customer’s expectations, which helps the implemented and maintained management system based on standard PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 and certified system for compliance with PN-EN ISO 3834-2, confirming Meeting the full quality requirements for welding processes of metal products, as well as from 1090-2 + A1:2012 confirming compliance with the quality requirements for steel structure contractors in classes EXC-1 and EXC-2.

Więcej informacji o nas.

We operate on the market since 1995.

Experience and innovation is what sets us apart in the market of services linked to the steel and industrial machinery.


Services for industry.

Service and maintenance of machinery and production lines and steel constructions and many others.


Why should
you choose
just us

We are happy to provide our customers with the highest quality services.

Years on the market
Satisfied customers
Employed specialists
Completed projects

What customers say about us

Reliable opinions of customers who have used our services.

5 star review  Docinamy u nich blachy na wymiar i pod konkretne kształty.. Mają dobrej jakości sprzęt CNC, i zawsze szybko realizują nasze zlecenia.

thumb Aleksander Mróz
29 October 2020

5 star review  Niesamowite było dla mnie to, że pomogli mi więcej przez telefon w rozwiązaniu mojego problemu niż serwisy które odwiedzały nas osobiście. Widać że fachowcy od pierwszego kontaktu aż do rozwiązania problemu. Z pewnością skorzystam z ich pomocy w przyszłości lub przy zleceniu usługi. Szczególne podziękowania dla pana Pawła.

thumb Pepe Cooler
8 July 2020

5 star review  I commissioned Remal to overhaul machines (the entire production line), paper industry. Everything went very well, I'm happy.

thumb Darek
27 September 2018

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